Overnight Oats !!! - Easiest Oatmeal (The Ultimate Health Book - 1 )

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Here, We'll discover the goodness of Overnight oats, Why it's essential(benefits) and the 2-Step procedure for making your bowl healthier,tastier and Tummy filling.This is a definite go-to Recipe. Don't worry! I have all your questions covered in the Q & A section below.So, Scroll down to explore!!!!
Overnight Oats

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Overnight Oats

Healthiest & Easiest Brekky

Tired of the regular oatmeals??

Tired of the preparing Breakfast on early morning on a busy day??

Tired of the preparing Breakfast on early morning on a busy day??

Then this recipe is FOR YOU !!!

Overnight oats are very high in their fibre content, which keeps your stomach filled for a longer period of time.

If you want to feel fuller and burn more fat,especially after a great workout , overnight oats is the best breakfast for you.

Key Benefits

  • High in antioxidants
  • Rich source of fiber
  • Ideal for weight loss
  • Reduce Type 2 Diabetes
  • Helps in Fighting Diarrhea
  • Contains Healthy Carbohydrates
  • Decreases the Risk Of Biotin Deficiency

  • Ingredients

    Basic prep Recipe(1 serving)

    • Rolled Oats-2 tsp
    • Flax seed powder -1 tsp
    • Chia Seeds-3/4 tsp
    • Grounded Cinnamon-1/2 tsp
    • Salt as required(1 pinch-preferably Himalayan/pink salt)
    • Any Milk/Water-Total 200ml
    *tsp-teaspoon / tablespoon

    2-step Tummy Filling Recipe

      (All Optional and of your choice)

      Honey , Dry fruits , Nuts , Seeds , Fruits , Vegetables , Peanuts/Peanut Butter , Boiled eggs

    Basic Overnight Oats Prep

    Take a bowl or a mason jar. In the bowl, add the rolled oats, chia seeds, flax seed powder, cinnamon powder, pink salt as required and mix them all. Next step, add water or any milk to the bowl or the jar until the oats gets completely soaked in the liquid, and mix again.Then, seal or cover with a lid and keep the bowl in the fridge.Min 4 hours and maximum 8 hours , but overnight is the best!

    Tasty Tip: Mixing up the ingredients with cinnamon powder and THEN adding the liquid is the game changer !!! I loved it this way. Mixing up the ingredients in another order might taste a little less....You gotta try this out !!!

    NOTE: DO NOT ADD SUGAR coz we want this to be healthy and not just tasty

    And there you go! Your basic prep for overnight oats is ready!! Now, take the bowl off the refrigerator, mix it all up and you're good to go!

    The colour of the oat bowl might vary depending on the cinnamon but the taste is absolutely perfect.You can also add honey to the bowl. I prefer without honey coz I feelt it;s just perfect and healthy, the choice is yours!

    Table Setting

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    Taste Tip:Add 4 Almonds,4 Dates,6 Raisins,4 Walnuts,2 Dried Fig fruit,1 tablespoon of Sunflower seeds,pumpkin seeds each,half apple,1 banana and half Pomegranate.You can also add Pineapple and anything of your choice.Boiled eggs add more taste and is also nutritious.Do try!!!

    2-Step Tummy Filling recipe

    First step : Prepare the basic oat meal  

    Second step : Top up your bowl with your favorite nuts, vegies, fruits, peanuts ,boiled eggs and dry fruits.The quantity is your choice.Fill up your bowl as you wish.No limit coz it's too healthy and tasty

    And your done! Tasty ,Healthy Overnight Oats is Ready !!!

    Q & A

    1) Why only Rolled and not any other type of oats ?

    Rolled oats can be eaten without further heating or cooking and needs to be soaked in a liquid(milk/water)for a minimum of 2 hours.So rolled is most prefered.

    2) Should I add nuts to make my bowl tastier or is it better even without that ?

    Nuts add in protein to your bowl.so thats actually great.Isn't it? But however thats your choice.Raisins add taste to the bowl

    3) Which one is best - Milk / Water ?

    Milk, be it any kind of milk, do has some calories in it.If you want your bowl to be tasty with few calories, water is a good choice. But still if you love milk, you can go with Soy or low-fat cow's milk because they have only 6g and 8g calories per cup.I personally go with Water because I find that itself tastier.But any kind of milk can actually add in extra nutrients too.Choice is yours!! But both are healthy!

    4) It should only be taken only in Morning for breakfast ?

    An Absolute no.That's your choice! But it's always good to have a healthy breakfast cause that's the energy your body uses to kick start your day which is why,we should neve skip our breakfast. Brekky is very imporant Readers!! Never skip them!!

    So what are you waiting for???

    Try this Healthy ,yummy recipe and share your comments on this.Hope you love it.


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